
Saturday, 28 July 2012

18 Wedding Tips on Groom’s Fashion Guide

By Julie Ndagire

Going shopping cab be overwhelming at the best of times but when its for such a big day, you’ll most probably need some help. Don’t feel bad about it, it’ll be far more fun and will prevent stress induced bad buys. This is your big moment too and you want to get it right.

Don’t rush into anything. Take time to read lots of magazines for inspiration. If you’re still not getting anywhere, consult a professional designer of men’s clothes.

With the information from your research set a realist budget for your wedding outfit taking, everything into account and stick to it, rigidly.

Start your shopping well in advance of the wedding (preferably five months), particularly if you’re having something such as waistcoat, frockcoat or star Trek suit made, as your tailor will require lots of warning. The same applies if you are hiring an outfit –you might need to make alternations which take time.

Get yourself accurately measured for everything from waistcoats to suits.

Don’t buy anything tight fitting. It may give you bulges in all the right places but it is guaranteed to become devilishly uncomfortable after all that nuptial nosh and those bottles of bubby.

Buy your wedding shows at least a month before your wedding and wear them in as you don’t want to be begging for sandals at the reception. Not very manly

Coordinate your outfit with your bride’s and maids, by asking your bride for some details about her own dress. Whatever you do, don’t force information out of her or make her spill the beans if she really doesn’t want to. No does mean no, after all.

An ivory shirt looks better than white one which can often look like something you would wear to the office.

Make sure you wash and iron your shirt the day before so that you don’t end up with unsightly, unironable fold marks.

Morning suit wearers (grooms, best men and fathers of the bride, traditionally)
 should remember that cravats are worn by the groom and bestman only. It is ties for everyone else.

Dinner suits and black tie suits are generally reserved for formal evening dos.

Always leave the bottom button of your waistcoat undone – don’t ask why.

Never have a waistcoat matching your tie and handkerchief. Instead, choose a colour from the waistcoat and select your tie accordingly.

If you’re wearing a cravat, ensure you wear a high-necked waistcoat so that the cravat can be tucked in neatly in neatly with minimal fear of escape.

Ensure you trousers are the right length, neither too long or too short and that the sleeves of your jacket allow for an inch of the shirt cuff to be seen.

Your buttonhole should be made of the same flowers as your bride’s bouquet.

On the morning of the ceremony, don’t go the pub as way of solving wedding jitters. Go have a professional shave and manicure instead. The way you’ll be just as relaxed as if you’d downed a couple of pints. Your hands will look simply lovely when you exchange rings.

Morning wear is not in only suit. Take on board every style of jacket available – from a lounge suit  to a frockcoat or Nehru-style jacket but, above all, wear something you will feel comfortable in.

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